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Ananda K J, Karnataka

Ananda K J, Karnataka

Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, India

Title: Diagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus infection in dogs by Immunological and Molecular methods


Biography: Ananda K J, Karnataka


Echinococcosis, a cyclozoonotic helminthosis caused by the dwarf dog tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus, highly endemic and considered to be one of the most important parasitic diseases. The study was undertaken for diagnosis of E. granulosus infection in dogs by using immunological and molecular techniques. The specific antibodies of E.granulosus were detected in dog serum samples by ELISA. The protein profile by SDS-PAGE with somatic antigen revealed 11 polypeptides ranging between 114 kDa to 16 kDa. The major bands were in the range of 94, 66, 45, 34, 24 and 16 kDa. A total of twelve polypeptides were identified in E/S Ag ranging from 110 kDa to 14 kDa. The major bands included 98, 66, 45, 38 and 34 kDa. The immunoreactive polypeptides detected on western blots with somatic antigen of E.granulosus with known positive serum showed 89, 66, 45 and 16 kDa. The E/S antigen of E.granulosus showed six polypeptides of size 98, 82, 66, 45, 34 and 24 kDa on blots. The Copro-PCR was carried out using two sets of E.granulosus specific primers. The Eg 1f, Eg 1r primer amplified single band of 255 bp which was specific to E.granulosus in ten samples which were positive for E.granulosus at necropsy. The other primer JB 3f, JB 4.5r which amplified a single band of 440 bp was also specific to E.granulosus in ten samples which were positive for E.granulosus at necropsy. No amplification was observed in nine fecal samples which were positive for Taenia eggs by copro-microscopy.